How Does Reflexology Work


What Is Reflexology?

Reflexology is a gentle, non-invasive holistic treatment which has been used in many different forms for thousands of years. As it claims to cure a wide range of medical problems, from sinus benefits to labour pains, ‘how does reflexology work’ - is a common question among people that want to benefit from this therapy. 

Also known as zone therapy, reflexology is a type of therapy which involves applying gentle pressure on certain points on the feet, hands, and ears to help your body function in a better way. For example, applying pressure on the heels claims to relieve lower back pain & sciatic nerve pain, while pinching the top of the toes can help with sinus. 

When researching how does reflexology work, many people initially confuse it with acupressure and acupuncture. In this blog, you will learn more about the difference between these therapies & whether reflexology is for you.

Conditions Reflexology Might Help With

Based on research conducted on reflexology so far, it may help with the following health problems:

  • Stress and anxiety

  • Labour pain

  • Arthritis pain

  • Sinus

  • Back pain

  • Constipation

  • Hormonal imbalances

  • Low immunity

  • Common cold

  • Bacterial infections

  • Nerve problems & numbness from various cancer drugs 

  • Certain symptoms of multiple scleroses, such as uncomfortable skin sensations and fatigue

How Does Reflexology Work?

There are many theories concerning how does reflexology work, but the idea in which they are based is that every part of your foot is linked with a specific part of your body. Thus, applying pressure on any part of the foot may have a certain effect on the body part it corresponds to. 

The popular ‘zone theory’ suggests that your foot can be divided into 5 different zones running from the toe to the heel.  Zone 1 is the big toe and Zone 5 is the pinky toe. Furthermore, the body can be divided into ten zones running from the head to the foot. Zone 1 of the foot aligns with the left & right center of your body, while Zone 5 corresponds to the left & right sides of your body. Pressure applied on Zone 1 of your foot can help in relieving pain in the body part corresponding to it.

According to a theory that dates back to the nineteenth century, reflexology works by stimulating the central nervous system. Applying pressure on certain spots of the foot in a relaxing manner helps stimulate the nerves in that area, which further sends a signal to the nervous system. As a result, the body gets relaxed and there is also a positive effect on breathing, immune response, blood flow, and more. 

When it comes to how does reflexology work, there is another related theory which suggests that the body has ‘vital energy’ that gets affected by stress. The theory goes that if you do not work towards relieving that stress, the body can become unable to function properly, resulting in various health issues. Reflexology is a treatment that helps to maintain the flow of this vital energy throughout your body.

Another theory highlights how reflexology offsets the way pain is registered by the brain. According to this theory, when pressure is applied on certain parts of the feet, the resulting relaxing sensations help ease stress and uplift the mood. As a result, you are less likely to perceive pain too deeply. 

Are you interested in reflexology but are unsure where to start? Get in touch with Walking on Clouds today.


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