What Is Dry Cupping?

what is dry cupping

You might have heard about dry cupping before, possibly from athletes. Myofascial cupping release is a treatment method used for relieving pain and restoring order in the body by clearing disturbances in the body’s energy channels & pathways.

Are you looking for more information about dry cupping? Get in touch with Walking On Clouds today. 

Dry cupping can help with a wide range of health problems, including –

  •   Sciatica

  •   Leg muscle tightness

  •  Tension Headaches

  •  Stress and anxiety

  •   Neck pain

  •   Back pain

  •   Whiplash

  •  Repetitive strain injuries, and more

Before discussing dry cupping benefits, let’s have a closer look at what dry cupping is and how it works.

What is dry cupping and how does it work?

Dry cupping is an ancient practice which has its roots in traditional Chinese medicine, and was also widely used until the twentieth century by the Greek civilisation.

During dry cupping therapy, cups are applied directly on the skin and then pumped manually in order to create a  suction. After that, these cups are either left on the skin for several minutes, which is known as static cupping, or are moved along the skin to provide a similar effect as a deep tissue massage without leaving any circular marks on the skin. Although static cupping may leave circular marks on the skin due to the static vacuum application of the cups, they usually disappear within a day or two. In fact, these marks may not be as deep and noticeable on subsequent treatments.

The vacuum application of the cups during myofascial cupping release therapy results in an increased blood flow in the area, causing the skin, cells, and tissue to release tension. Neovascularisation (formation of a new blood vessel) takes place in response to the blood being drawn into the muscle tissue, which eventually increases the oxygen and nutrient levels in the localised area. The soft tissue experiences micro trauma & separation between various layers of the tissue as a result of the vacuum effect. Further, the body stimulates an inflammatory response (body’s natural healing process) to this micro trauma. The body at this stage releases chemicals like white blood cells, fibroblasts, and platelets to start the healing process. Lastly, the stretch in the soft tissue & fascia that occurs due to cupping results in a calming effect in the muscle and improves the range of motion.

Given below are some of the key dry cupping benefits:

  •   It increases blood circulation in the skin, muscle and fascia, which further improves oxygenation and nutrient content in the soft tissue.

  •   It helps remove chemical irritants in the muscle and fascia, & also helps in stagnant blood removal.

  •   It causes micro-trauma resulting in sterile inflammation and renewed healing in the body.

  •   It causes a stretch reflex in the connective tissue and fascia, which improves joint mobility.

  •   It helps in pain management by reducing muscular tension and nerve compression, while improving the range of movement.

  •   It is one of the treatments which can be directly used over the spine without any side-effects on the body.

  Cupping techniques which include active movement work wonders in stimulating the nervous system, and also aids in muscle memory re-education.

Dry cupping benefits double when used in combination with other therapies and treatments. For instance, cupping release therapy works well alongside traditional sports & deep tissue massage, since the lifting effect of the cups synergistically works with the manual massage. Additionally, it also complements various other therapies, such as dry needling, acupuncture, heat therapy and many others. 

Whether you are looking for relief from chronic pain or just want to relax your body and mind, dry cupping can be a great option for you. With highly experienced practitioners available at Walking On Clouds, you can be sure that you will find the right one to help you with your condition and provide the best treatment possible.

Needing some more information? Get in touch with Walking On Clouds today. 


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