Runner’s knee and how to treat it

Are you a dedicated runner struggling with knee pain? If so, you might be familiar with a common condition referred to as runner’s knee . Runner's knee, also referred to as patellofemoral pain syndrome, is a prevalent injury among runners and athletes. It is characterised by pain around the kneecap or patella, which can be debilitating and hinder your performance.

In this blog, we will delve into the details of what runner's knee is and explore various treatment options available to alleviate the discomfort. Whether you are a professional athlete or a recreational runner, understanding this condition and its treatment methods can help you get back on track and continue pursuing your passion for running. So let's dive in!

   Symptoms of Runner’s knee Treatment-

  • Persistent Knee Pain - One of the main symptoms of a runner’s knee is persistent pain around or behind the kneecap. This pain may worsen during physical activities such as running or climbing stairs.

  • Swelling and Inflammation - Another common symptom is swelling and inflammation around the affected knee joint.

  • Walking & Squatting - Pain while walking and squatting also symptoms of   runner’s knee. If you are facing the same ,it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional for a proper treatment.

     Steps For Runner’s Knee Treatment and Finding Relief :

   If you’re experiencing the frustrating and painful condition known as runner’s knee, don’t worry - there are few steps you can take to treat and alleviate the discomfort . By following these steps you’ll be well on your way to recovery and back on your feet in no extra time.

Rest and Reduce Activity

Give your knees a break by avoiding activities that worsen the pain. Rest is  crucial in allowing the knee to heal properly. 

Ice Therapy

Apply ice packs for 15-20 minutes every 2-3 hours  or cold compresses to reduce      inflammation and numb the area. This can help alleviate pain and swelling.

Compression & Support 

Using a compression bandage or knee brace can provide support and stability to the affected area, helping reduce pain during movement.


Elevating your leg when sitting or lying down can help reduce swelling by improving blood circulation. 

     Physical Therapy Exercises 

Engaging in specific exercises designed for the runner's knee can strengthen muscles around the knee joint, improve flexibility, and promote healing. Consult with a physical therapist for guidance on appropriate exercises for your condition.

By following these treatment strategies diligently, you can effectively manage runner's knees, minimise discomfort, and gradually return to your favourite activities with confidence. 

 It is important to note that every person is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. Consulting with a healthcare professional or a sports medicine specialist will ensure an accurate diagnosis of runner's knee treatment and guide you towards an appropriate treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

Physical therapy may also be recommended to address any muscle imbalances or biomechanical issues that may contribute to the runner's knee.

At Walking On Clouds, we believe in a holistic approach to physiotherapy. Our team will not only focus on alleviating your pain but also work towards addressing the root cause of your condition. Through personalised treatment plans and hands-on therapy techniques, we aim to restore your strength and mobility effectively.

Booking an appointment with us is easy  or give us a call at (+44) 7384 444 984. Take the initial step towards pain-free running today.

Trust for professional care, experienced therapists, and exceptional results in treating runners knee and other sports injuries.


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